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Chemical fiber filament textiles, textile industry, textile industry prospects
[The potential of chemical fiber textiles?]
Release date:[2018/7/16] Read a total of[1024]time

At the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the stunning appearance of "Beijing 8 minutes" made the Winter Olympics officially enter "Beijing time." In this performance, 24 roller skaters stunned the scene wearing white jumpsuits, helmets and roller skates. It is reported that the fabrics used in their costumes are produced by filament weaving, not only technology and futuristic, but also light and warm, windproof and breathable, stylish and beautiful.


At present, chemical fiber filament textiles are widely used in fashion clothing, outdoor sportswear, special protective clothing and other clothing fields due to their unique feel and anti-wrinkle, crisp, anti-pilling and other characteristics, but also widely used in luggage, curtains, Home textiles such as sofas and bedding, as well as medical and sanitary, filtration and separation, safety and protection, style and leisure, isolation and insulation, structural reinforcement, aerospace, geotechnical, construction, agriculture, packaging and other industrial fields.


The annual average growth rate of production exceeds 15%


The chemical fiber filament weaving industry is an emerging industry that started from the 1980s. It was mainly based on artificial silk. With the advancement of technology, the industry has developed rapidly. The chemical fiber filament weaving has expanded to imitation cotton, imitation wool, imitation linen, On the artificial fabrics such as suede, the application has gradually expanded from apparel textiles to home textiles and industrial textiles. The output increased from 4.1 billion meters in 2000 to 48.2 billion meters in 2017, with an average annual growth rate of over 15%. It is one of the fastest growing textile industries; the annual output value is nearly 200 billion yuan, and the annual export volume is over 14 billion meters. It is the largest export woven fabric in the textile industry.


In 2017, China's chemical fiber production reached 49.496 million tons, accounting for more than 70% of all fiber production, including more than 30 million tons of chemical fiber filaments, more than 60% of chemical fiber filaments used for weaving. Chemical fiber filaments play an important role in replacing natural fibers such as silk, cotton, wool and hemp, and meeting people's living needs.


According to customs statistics, in 2017, China's chemical fiber filament fabrics exported a total of 12.405 billion US dollars, an increase of 5.77%; the actual export volume reached 14.122 billion meters, an increase of 10.02%. Among them, the export of polyester filament fabrics was 12.186 billion meters, up 9.55% year-on-year; the export of nylon filament fabrics was 435 million meters, up 13.87% year-on-year.


According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2017, China's chemical fiber weaving and printing and dyeing finishing business income of 132.809 billion yuan, an increase of 9.28%, an increase of 4.2 percentage points; total profit of 6.577 billion yuan, an increase of 22.37%.


In 2017, China's chemical fiber weaving and printing and dyeing finishing industry actually completed an investment of 48.155 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 0.42%. The investment in chemical fiber weaving enterprises is mainly used for equipment renewal and transformation of product development and transformation and upgrading, as well as new enterprises and capacity expansion in industrial transfer, and some investments are used for sewage treatment in accordance with national and local energy conservation and emission reduction policies. Reconstruction of water reuse systems and other aspects.


At present, more than 90% of China's chemical fiber filament weaving industry is concentrated in Wujiang District of Jiangsu Province, Jiaxing City, Changxing County of Zhejiang Province and Jinjiang City of Fujian Province, and the industrial agglomeration is extremely high.


Industrial advantages and potential


Compared with other industries, the chemical fiber filament industry has obvious advantages. In terms of cost, compared with traditional textile industries such as cotton, wool and hemp, the chemical fiber filament weaving industry has obvious advantages in terms of raw materials, labor and electricity, etc. It is an emerging industry of textiles and a strong competitive industry. For example, compared with the cotton textile industry, the current cotton price is around 16,000 yuan / ton, the price of spun yarn will reach 23,000 yuan / ton, while the price of chemical fiber filament is only 11,000 yuan / ton, the price advantage is obvious. In addition, the chemical fiber filament has high strength, less breakage, and eliminates spinning and other links before weaving, and has many advantages such as energy saving, labor saving and high production efficiency. In addition, among all shuttleless looms, the technical performance of domestic equipment of water jet looms is the smallest and the international advanced level is the smallest, and the price of single equipment is the lowest. Therefore, the chemical fiber filament weaving project mainly using water jet looms is compared with other textile projects. The investment is the most provincial and the investment pressure is the lightest.


In terms of product development, chemical fiber filament fabric products have a wide range of innovations, and new products emerge in an endless stream. Since natural fiber is limited by land resources and raw material varieties, its supply is unlikely to increase significantly, and some even decline, and the development of new products is rare. The chemical fiber fabrics are manufactured by chemical and physical methods. By changing these methods, chemical fiber raw materials with different properties, different shapes and different specifications can be produced. By transforming these different raw materials into different combinations and textures of pure weaving, interlacing, and weaving in the weaving process, and then processing them with different processes after printing and dyeing, thousands of different functions and different ones can be produced. The filament fabrics with different characteristics and styles, so the innovation has given the inexhaustible vitality of the chemical fiber filament fabric products.


At present, domestic cotton textile, knitting and other industries have begun to shift from the eastern part of China to the central and western regions and Southeast Asia during the 11th Five-Year Plan period. The chemical fiber filament weaving industry can digest the cost of production factors in the coastal developed areas and maintain a healthy and rapid development, indicating that the market potential and competitive advantages of the industry still exist.


With the development of medicine, construction, aerospace and other technologies, new chemical fiber filament fabrics are emerging, and the application range is becoming wider and wider. Chemical fiber filament fabrics will play an irreplaceable role in agriculture, medical, defense, aerospace and automotive fields. The role. According to the UN forecast, the global textile fiber processing volume will reach 253 million tons in 2050, of which the annual growth of chemical fiber filament fabrics is 3%, and the market potential of chemical fiber weaving industry is huge.


Since the beginning of the 21st century, the chemical fiber filament weaving industry has played an increasingly important role in promoting the development of spinning technology, fiber simulation technology, weaving technology, chemical fiber printing and dyeing technology, fabric finishing technology, and guiding the development of high-performance multifunctional textiles. The role of the link from chemical fiber to apparel fabrics, home textiles and industrial textiles has played a key role. As a fast-growing emerging industry, an industry rich in high-tech industries, and an industry where product applications are rapidly expanding, the chemical fiber filament weaving industry is environmentally friendly and sustainable in the textile industry in promoting the textile industry to achieve a strong technology and brand power. The development strategy plays an important supporting role.


Production water can achieve zero emissions completely


The equipment for chemical fiber weaving is mainly water jet loom, and the water jet loom realizes weft insertion with water as a medium, and a part of waste water is generated in this process. With the tightening of environmental protection policies, this problem needs to be solved urgently. Some time ago, key industrial clusters such as Xiuzhou District of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province and Wujiang District of Suzhou City of Jiangsu Province increased the intensity of water jet loom rectification in the industry, focusing on the “small, scattered and chaotic” situation of the cluster.


It is understood that many of the chemical fiber weaving enterprises in these cluster areas spontaneously emerged with the development of the market. Due to the lack of unified planning at the beginning, the distribution of enterprises is relatively scattered, the scale is different, and the infrastructure is not perfect, resulting in difficulties in wastewater control and control. In place. The rectification and shutdown is "waterless looms without license, no environmental assessment, no record, no unauthorized addition", that is, low-small enterprises. Through standardization and upgrading, large-scale enterprises can be concentrated in industrial parks to achieve 100% reuse of sewage treatment and water reuse.


In fact, the water-spraying machine wastewater pollutants are mainly oil agents and slurry, and the pollutants are simple, far easier to handle than printing and dyeing wastewater. After the sewage is simply treated by air flotation, filtration, activated carbon sterilization, etc., it can be reused. At present, many enterprises and parks have realized 100% treatment and 100% reuse of water spray wastewater. That is to say, water production for water jet loom, as long as the sewage treatment measures are implemented, the reclaimed water can be reused many times to achieve zero emissions. From this perspective, the filament weaving industry is not a polluting industry, and green weaving can become the symbol of the filament weaving industry.


At present, most enterprises adopt self-built water treatment systems to achieve the goal of saving water resources, reclaiming water, and controlling sewage discharge. Local governments and competent authorities are also highly motivated to reuse water. Generally, wastewater will be treated centrally to ensure the treatment effect and comprehensive utilization of water resources, give full play to market regulation, and upgrade through industrial upgrading and upgrading. The sustainable development of the downstream will achieve environmentally friendly, green and harmonious development of the textile industry chain.

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